Hello world!

With all due respects to my wife the firefighter, with this post I am ready to set the world on fire.  I may not always communicate my message eloquently and may at times be overly blunt and preachy, but I sincerely believe that the chemicals we are putting into our food and our gardens, that are used in our personal care and body care products, that we use to clean our kitchen floors and the dashboards of our cars, and that are used to build, remodel and finish our homes, are quite literally killing us.

Not to mention our increasing exposure to the electromagnetic waves that are a given in our increasingly wireless world.   These too I believe can degrade human health if the exposure is acute enough or chronic enough or done without giving the body enough of a chance to recuperate and recover.

If you don’t agree, I ask that you give this blog a try for a week or two and see if I might be able to persuade you otherwise, or at the very least make you pause to consider the possibility that most modern day homes are making us sick.  But if you do agree or at least believe there is a modicum of truth to what I am saying, then I ask that you help  spread the word about reducing our dependence on chemical goods, about the consequences of living a life full of toxins and synthetics and wireless communications, and about the things we all can do to better protect ourselves and our families.

This will take some time to explore in detail, so I ask that you stick with me, check in frequently, and together let’s see where this journey leads.