Man-Made Electromagnetic Fields

I introduced the concept of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in a previous post. Let’s review:

  1. EMFs are a natural part of our universe. They are produced, for instance, by both the sun and the earth. They are created anywhere electricity is generated, transmitted or used. And I should note, electric signals are completely inherent to the human body. Our heart, our brain, our nerves all run on electrical impulses. In fact the clinical definition of death is the absence of any electrical signals within the human body;
  2. EMFs are all invisible to the naked human eye, except for visible light which our eyes recognize as ROY G BIV = red/orange/yellow/green/blue/indigo/violet); and
  3. EMFs can be beneficial or they can be harmful. One example of the former is the sun’s production of Vitamin D in the body leading to better immunity and stronger bones; an example of the latter is the earth’s natural meridians of energy that when corrupted by geopathic stress have been known to create dysfunction among humans and led to the creation of disciplines like Feng Shui and Vatsu that offer guidance on how to align our lives and our possessions with the most harmonious energies in nature.

Okay, what else do we need to know about EMFs? For starters, they are arranged by wavelength or (its inverse) frequency along a line known as ‘The Electromagnetic Spectrum’. Wavelengths are exactly as they sound—they are a measurement of the distance between incoming waves, completely analogous to water waves coming to shore as they travel across a pond, a lake, or an ocean. The wavelength is the distance between those waves as they pass by a certain point; their frequency is a measure of how often those waves repeat. A wave with a very long wavelength passes a point very infrequently; a wave with high frequency has very short wavelengths. They both describe the same thing just from different perspectives.

Second, Science gives a name to every segment along this spectrum. A couple of these names are self-descriptive, e.g., X-rays are, well, the X-rays we all know used by doctors and dentists to diagnose disease; the Microwave segment of this spectrum include microwaves used for communication as well as the microwaves used in a conventional microwave oven to cook our foods (and is the focus of a separate post in this blog entitled ‘Radar Range’….look it up!). The Power Line EMFs that are a part of this spectrum refer to the electricity that flows along the wires hidden inside the walls of our homes; we know the very long wavelength and low frequency EMFs portion of this spectrum as TV and AM/FM radio; and the segment of this spectrum labeled ‘Infrared’ we know as the EMFs used to create the heat we feel from a heat lamp or as the mechanism that gives an infrared sauna its therapeutic powers. And so on.

As I bring this post back full-circle from where we began, you must know that EMFs are either ‘natural’ or ‘man-made’. Since the discovery and commercialization of electricity in the latter part of the 19th century and even more so since the introduction of the Internet and wireless communications, the earth is now filled with orders of magnitude more artificial or man-made EMFs than natural ones. It is the man-made EMFs that concern us the most especially with the anticipated roll-out of 5G technologies that once approved will completely overlay our existing cell phone networks pulsing out signals and frequencies never before used for human communication within the home or tested for human safety.

Next up, we’ll wrap up our introductory series of posts on electromagnetic fields with a post that talks to the four types of EMFs that are most associated with detrimental health affects in humans.

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