Overload: America’s Toxic Love Story

With all due apologies to the Environmental Health Trust (EHT), I am going to cut and paste the guts of an email I was tardy in opening and I just finished reading because it is time-sensitive and important, me thinks, for everyone to see. That email references EHT’s request to register and join them for a free showing of a movie entitled Overload: America’s Toxic Love Story. When you register, EHT will send you a streaming link on June 23 that you can use at your convenience any time between tomorrow and June 30, 2021 to watch this movie for free. You can register here

What exactly is “Overload”? Quoting from the EHT email I mention above:

Before starting a family, Soozie Eastman, daughter of an industrial chemical distributor, embarks on a journey to find out the levels of toxins in her body and discover if there is anything she or anyone else can do to change them. Soozie has just learned that hundreds of synthetic toxins are now found in every baby born in America and the government and chemical corporations are doing little to protect citizens and consumers.

With guidance from world-renowned physicians and environmental leaders, interviews with scientists and politicians, and stories of everyday Americans, Soozie uncovers how we got to be so overloaded with chemicals and explores whether there is anything we can do to take control of our exposure.

Just as she feared, extensive blood testing reveals alarming levels of chemicals such as organophosphates and PBDEs in her body, so she undertakes a rigorous detox regimen of dietary changes, exercise, and informed product choices designed to manage and minimize her toxic body burden. But can she hit the reset button or is it too late? Register to watch this film at your convenience between June 23-30, 2021, and be amazed by what you learn! Then join us on June 30, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. MT for a discussion with the film’s director Soozie Eastman

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