The Four Types of “Bad” EMFs

The Four Types of “Bad” EMFs

Back on May 20 I ended a post entitled “Man-made Electromagnetic Fields” with a promise that I would write a follow-up post on the 4 types of man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs) most frequently associated with detrimental health effects in humans.  Here is that post.

There are 4 types of EMFs most associated with detrimental health effects.  They can all be measured by a Building Biologist using special meters, who will also use the Building Biology Evaluation Guidelines For Sleeping Areas for each to tell you if their measurements are not anomalous, slightly anomalous, severely anomalous, or extremely anomalous.   

These Guidelines are based on the experience and knowledge of the building biology community and focus on what is typically achievable rather than what is most optimal.  Moreover, the Guidelines are written for sleeping areas because that is the time of day the body regenerates, repairs and detoxifies, and is the most crucial time to reduce EMF exposures.

According to the Guidelines, fields found with ‘No Anomaly’ provide the highest degree of precaution and reflect either an unexposed natural condition or the common and nearly inevitable background levels of our modern living environment. 

Fields found with a ‘Slight Anomaly’ suggest that remediation should be carried out whenever possible as a precaution, especially with regards to those who are extra sensitive or already ill.

Fields found with a ‘Severe Anomaly’ are not acceptable to Building Biologists and call for remediation action.  Scientific studies and numerous case studies indicate biological effects and health problems within this reference range.

And finally, any field measured as an ‘Extreme Anomaly’ calls for immediate and rigorous action to reduce exposure.  Within this category, field measurements are so severe that international guidelines and recommendations for public and occupational exposures may be reached or even exceeded.

So with that said, the first type of EMF consistently found to cause biological effects in humans is Electric Fields (EFs).   Common sources of EFs are household wiring, power strips, ungrounded electronics, chargers or transformers, and lamps & lighting.  All of the AC electric wires in the walls of our homes are consistently emitting electric fields that expose occupants to electric fields proportional to the line voltage of the electric wire.  

In Chicago we are lucky—for fire safety, code specifies that all electric wiring must be in metal conduit, shielding occupants from these fields.   But it’s easy to forget that almost all extension cords or appliance cords are unshielded and therefore a source of EFs regardless of whether the switch, or light, or appliance at the end of the cord is turned on or off.  Sorry, the cords to those table lamps on each side of your bed are constantly emitting EMFs up to six to eight feet away unless they are wired with a shielded cord.  Morale of the story: one way to live a healthier life is to keep all wires away from your bed or have them shielded.

The second kind of EMF to be concerned about is Magnetic Fields (MFs).  Common sources of MFs around the home are High Voltage Power Lines, your Circuit Breaker Panel, Faulty Home Wiring, Transformers or Chargers for Cell Phones/ Laptops/ Home Electronics, and point sources like electric motors used to run your AC or Furnace or Electric Meters.    

Back in high school and college Physics classes, I learned that every AC electric current produces by definition alternating magnetic fields.  These fields emanate perpendicular to current flow and drop off quickly with distance, though still potentially harmful to health if within 6-8 feet.  Magnetic fields permeate most materials unhindered—including the human body—which is why they are difficult to contain and why they are implicated in numerous human biological effects ranging from hormonal imbalances to various cancers.  Only special metal alloys that are very magnetically conductive will shield. 

The third type of EMF linked to adverse health effects is Radio Frequency Fields (RF).  Examples of RF Radiation around the home are Cordless Phones, Baby Monitors, Smart Meters, Mobile Phones (3G/4G/5G), Microwave Oven, Bluetooth Devices, and WiFi.  It is this category of EMFs that has exploded in the past ten years and has been linked to adverse health effects in hundreds, if not thousands of research studies.

One final EMF to be concerned about—and I think the most underappreciated and pernicious—is something colloquially called ‘Dirty Electricity’ (DE).  Common household sources of DE are CFL and LED light bulbs, Inverters for Solar Panels, Variable Speed motors typically used to power HVAC equipment, any Smart appliance, Smart Meters, Gaming Devices, Dimmer Switches, and any battery-powered Direct Current device that has a switch mode power supply.

Dirty Electricity is important enough and complex enough to merit multiple posts so we won’t dwell on it here but will cover much more thoroughly soon.  The authority on this topic is Dr. Samuel Milham, whose book Dirty Electricity, Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization is fascinating, eye-opening, and a must-read.  Here is a link to a fairly recent interview of Dr. Milham by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

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